Selasa, 23 September 2014

Data protection and information security difference

by : webimprints

According to experts from network security company in Computer Security we must distinguish between, Information Security and Data Protection.

One must distinguish between the two, because they form the basis and reason, justify the selection of data elements that require special attention in the context of Information Security and usually also give the reason and the obligation to protect with the help of data Security Company. Most of data is leaked via website ,which can be prevented with the help of Website security company. 

During an interview with expert from network security company, although the difference between Information Security and Data Protection as a motive or obligation of security activities but the security measures applied are the same.

Information Security is required to protect the data and is used to avoid their loss and non-authorized modification. Data Protection should first ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, however there are more requirements such as authenticity among others. Data protection can be implemented wit the help of data Security Company. 

As per the experts from webimprints, which is a Website security company.The reason for the authorities to implement protective measures that respond to information security, is the interest of the institution or person handling the data, because the loss or modification of data, could result in damage.

For example the bank , they have to implement information security measure to ensure data protection with the help of data Security Company. Any lost or erroneous modification, whether caused intentionally or just by human negligence, any record of a bank account, can result in economic losses or other negative consequences for the institution. Thus help of network security company is required.In many states there are legal rules governing the processing of personal data, such as in Mexico, where there is the " Law of Protection of Personal Data" which aims to guarantee and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, public freedoms and fundamental rights of physical persons, and especially their honor and personal and family privacy and privacy. But the big problem is when there are no laws and legal rules that prevent the abuse or misuse of personal data or if inadequately or arbitrarily applied. There are some professions that by their professional nature are recognized and bound by his oath, to respect personal data such as doctors, lawyers, judges and priests. But regardless, whether or not there are legal rules, the responsibility for proper processing of personal data and the consequences that may result in the case of missing it. Thus WebImprints, a Website security company is helping its clients in this respect. 

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